The Thunder, Perfect Mind
For I am the first and the last.
I am the wife and the virgin.
I am the mother and the daughter.
I am she whose wedding is great,
and I have not taken a husband.
I am the bride and the bridegroom
I am senseless and I am wise.
Come forward to childhood,
and do not despise it because it is small and it is little.
And do not turn away greatnesses in some parts from the smallnesses,
for the smallnesses are known from the greatnesses.
I am the one who is honored, and who is praised,
For I am knowledge and ignorance.
I am shame and boldness.
I am shameless; I am ashamed.
I am control and uncontrollable,
I am strength and I am fear.
I am war and peace.
I am the substance and the one who has no substance
But I, I am compassionate and I am cruel.
Do not hate my obedience
and do not love my self-control.
I am the union and the dissolution.
But I am she who exists in all fears
and strength in trembling.
I am she who is weak,
and I am well in a pleasant place.
I am the silence that is incomprehensible
and the idea whose remembrance is frequent.
I am the voice whose sound is manifold
For I am the first and the last.
En del av dikten "The Thunder, Perfect Mind". Den används i Pradas nya reklamfilm för parfym, och jag har fastnat för den! Den handlar om att en kvinna ofta har två olika sidor av sig, om man ska förklara det lite snabbt.
men gud tack så jättemycket :)
och absolut du får måla av en bild på mig, visa den gärna sen :D